video chat
2021,Video installation with iPhone and iOS app, #001:3min40sec,#002 6min30sec
IPhone vibration will occur in 7 minutes and the video will be played once.
I asked an acquaintance to record a video chat with a distant family member, lover, friend, etc. using their common language.Videos are still being collected.
Those who don't that language can imagine the conversations in any way and are free to have joy and fear, but they can never know is what being talked and cannot judge anything.Such a friend is sitting next to us.
Installation view: 'Kurds in Japan now 2021'‘,Kawaguchi Art Gallery Atria,Saitama,2021
《video chat》
2021 , iPhoneとiOSアプリケーションによるヴィデオインスタレーション, #001:3分40秒・#002:6分30秒
在日クルド人の現在2021,埼玉,川口市立アートギャラリー・アトリア 展示室B,2021