In the town of Tsuchiyu-Onsen, Fukushima Prefecture, which is famous for its kokeshi dolls, four giant 3-meter-high iron kokeshi dolls stand in the center of town. Even the residents of the town do not know how and for what purpose they were created. Through a series of interviews with local residents and a small amount of literature, it was discovered that the objects were created by the local government, which wanted a symbol for the city, after consulting with the Minister of State at the time, who ran for the Fukushima Prefecture Road Tribe during the bubble economy period.
This video is a record of the author's verification of the research results and his presentation to three people involved in the current Tsuchiyu municipality, in which he proposes the preservation or demolition of the object and discusses the proposal.
The video attempts to allegorize the debate about whether objects, actions, public perceptions, and education, such as inventions, wars, urban development, and historical perceptions, are property or liabilities, violence or salvation, and whether they are sincere toward the truth and the future.
The video attempts to allegorize the debate about whether objects, actions, public perceptions, and education, such as inventions, wars, urban development, and historical perceptions, are property or liabilities, violence or salvation, and whether they are sincere toward the truth and the future.